Friday, October 28, 2011


Festival of Trumpets w/Hans, Esther and Nissim
September, October = Fall Festivals

Have you ever felt you are drinking out of a fire hydrant and can't quite absorb it all?! The last six weeks have been exactly that for me. 

There is soo much I want to share with all of you about what I am learning, what I have seen, festivals I have celebrated, what I am still trying to absorb.
 Can I ever completely grasp all the details of G-d and the hidden treasures in His Word, this Land or these festivals? Absolutely not. But what an adventure it is to understand what I can! To see Him a bit sharper than I did the day before and each day say "Yeshua I want to want to trust your Word, your promises, your unrelenting watchful presence but also your fiery authority to govern and challenge my everyday life." 

He is our Shepherd but HE IS also KING. We cannot vote the Ruler of the Universe out of office. 
When I came to Israel the only real, tactile goal I had was to learn about the Jewish festivals. That Ziel (goal auf Deutsch ;) has blown up in my face in the last week. 

Long story short short I have acquired some links to teachings on youtube. It's taken a while to listen to all of them-in fact I'm still not done!-but what I have heard makes me want to fall on my face in thanksgiving and drives me to read my Bible from cover to cover with a new set of eyes. My movie screen perspective of His Word is going from regular to IMAX size. 

YAHOO. Did I mention that G-D IS BIG?! SMILE.

Here's the links for an explanation of all 3 SPRING festivals:

Passover to Pentecost CLICK HERE

Festival of Trumpets with others volunteers from Germany, Switzerland and Norway
Afterwards listen to these links on the 3 FALL festivals. These were the festivals we just celebrated:

Natalia, my dear Russian-speaking friend
Of course I also have pics from the last few weeks but more than my stories or pics MAKE sometime to listen to these links! You might end up with your jaw on the ground or on your knees or dancing . . .
My kitchen mama Theresa
 . . . 'Cause, AHEM, G-D is BIG!!

October was also a big month with Gilad Shalit, an Israeli Defense soldier, being released from captivity. Imagine being taken hostage at age 20 and then being released five years later. It's intriguing to see how Israeli vs. other international press has covered this story. For example during this interview in Egypt certain sound bytes were NOT translated in English--and I believed Arabic as well when he answered in Hebrew.  One of the great benefits of sitting in a TV room with nurses that speak all three languages. Only a two or three days later Gaddifi was also assassinated.  I've been enjoying  exploring the Jerusalem Post, a English Israeli newspaper that one of our residents reads daily.

 Hiking through olive groves in Haifa

Drinking straight from water line of natural layer spring, water held in "bunker" pic above
The one day a year NO buses run at all: Yom Kippur. Many kids receive bikes as presents on this day and drive their new wheels all over the city with free reign.
Breaking fast from Yom Kippur with Elke and her husband Surgey, their kids and Vonnie. Greg thanks for taking our picture =)

By the way for all you Coloradoans . . . I was looking through some websites yesterday and found this Messianic concert that is going on in Denver on November 4 and 5 (CLICK HERE). Some of this genre sounds a little to polka-polka for me but Wilbur's sound is more original. Let me know if you go ;) I expect a full blog report. HA!

More to come . . . I'll keep you posted. As always I covet your prayers. Drop me an email!

 May this passsage be more and more the truth, knowledge and understanding of our hearts: "Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold or silver. You made me; you created me. Now give me the sense to follow your commands. May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in your word."
Psalm 119: 72-74

Much love, 


Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Two Weeks in Israel

First two weeks in Haifa  . . . . 
                             Ma nish'ma? Tov! How are you? Good!

My friend Henny from Holland, we speak German together.
  . . . Have started off well. I've worked in the kitchen washing dishes/meal prepartion and also work on the first floor with residences who need a bit more assistance.

I have an even great appreciation for nurses as my work here is going on. Bathing residents, assisting them to the bathroom, changing clothes etc. have all pushed quite out of my comfort zone, but I find myself greatly blessed with their smiles and the opportunity to serve them with a hand massage or kiss good night.

My German is DEFINITELY practical here. Four of the five other volunteers I live with are native speakers and many of the residences know German if they don't know English. I learning a little Hebrew but right now it is not my focus.

Teah from England, with our rabbit vistor.
We had our first zoo animal visit last week and it was delightful 
seeing everyone enjoy four albino rabbits. Ebenezer has different creators visit every two weeks and everyone recieves quite the education, our last presentation was around 40 minutes long. Get our your notebooks ladies and gentlemen. Ooops I mean that's only for me the nerd. Actually I didn't take any notes. HA!

When I am working in the kitchen my favorite part of the day is tea time especially on Shabbat--Friday evening and Saturday afternoon--I visit all 3 floors, share cake with residents and wish them "Shabbat Shalom" and on more than one occasion recieve sweets from them as well as a hug or kiss on the cheek. The first time I walked around with Annie, my fellow volunteer from Switzerland, I thought, "Yikes! Shabbat is dangerous I could end up eating cake all day!!" No worries. I sweat enough to make up for it--I think ;)

You know you're in Israel when . . .
    The beach is about a 20-25 minute walk from my flat. Sha'ron showed me this stretch.
  • Your dog really is a "watch dog" from the second story balcony-note picture above :)
  • There are no noise ordiances, arabian/hebrew music plays 'till midnight--this goes for fireworks as well. Weddings, graduations, birthdays . . . forget the cake, where a lighter?!
Working out on the beach, haven't used them yet, but sure gonna try 'em out!
  • My heart quickens at the sight of green grass only to discover it is actually closer to crab grass--or such a small patch of the soft perrenial that I can't quite lay down in it
  • I feel like the most "gringo" person alive when I go running in the morning here, but enjoy the surprised faces of people when I pass them saying "Good Morning" in Hebrew 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wurstsalatzeit----mmmm lecker!!!

And now for the moment you've ALL been WAITING for!!

500 g Lyonerfleischwurst--ein Ring
5 Essiggurken
1 Glas rote Paprika in Essig eingelegt
3 Tomaten--oder 4 wenn sie noch klein sind ;)
1 rote Zwiebel

Alles klein schneiden--mit dem Slamchop wenn du keine echte deutsche Scheidemachine hast!

Die Sauce

Balsamico Essig
2 tl Senf
eine Prise Zucker
eine tl Karpern--sehr klein geschnitten

Alles zusammen rein tun und noch 3 bis 4 Stunden ziehen lassen

Whether you make this recipe, I say: Das ist mir Wurst--oder in bayrisch: Des is' mir Wurscht!

Long live the sausage!

Quote of the day: Mind-blowing wisdom from Frau Hippel aka Anna-Larissa aka Annie-Larissie
"Everything has an end, only the sausage has two."

Erste Tage in Deutschland--First days in Germany

Willkommen zu meinem Blog!

So you'll have to bear with me as I figure out this Blog-thang. I know that I'll be going back and forth between Deutsch and English, but for most of you who've spent time with me that fact will come as no suprise ;) Still playing around with layout so without further adieu . . .

Burghausen--the longest castle fortress in Europe--ahem correction--the WORLD! (Courtesy of Tobi Hippel--drum roll please)

Please note my Papstbier (Pope-beer) with Anna and Andie. Capitalism is alive and thriving when this quaint town's claim to fame is the birthcity of our, ahem, present Pope--so why won't you sell the local brew as the official Pope-bier accompainied with Bayern flag and a mug shot of honored Catholic leader?! ;)

We also enjoyed making Wurstsalat today with contraptions similiar to our beloved "Slamchop"! Only here we used it to cube sausages/Wurst, pickels/Gurken and onions/Zwiebels. Mmm. On German baguettes with Kräuterbutter is it the best. Oh and did I mention the Bier?? I never thought about adding banana or cherry nectar to a Bier, but I must say it tastes "ganz schmackhaft" aka super tasty.

Deutsches Frühstück: German breakfast! Orangsaft, Milch, Musli: fresh oats, granola, nuts cereal, Wassermelone, Honig, Yogurt mit Erdbeeren, Nutella und naturlich Brötchen! (German sandwich rolls with sunflower, sesamee, vollkorn . . .)

Hast du Hunger?


Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid.

Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz.

Say that three times FAST! HA!